Historical performance is not necessarily indicative of likely future performance. Nothing on this website should be interpreted as a promise, representation or prediction as to the future performance of any portfolio managed by Cumulare. Investors in traded securities, including but not limited to common stock, preferred stock and bonds, should be prepared to bear investment loss, including loss of some or all of the original principal.
Portfolio - Rip
If you take a closer look, you can see that Native Instruments has kicked Absynth 5 out of its KOMPLETE portfolio. This happened without prior notice or an official statement. Just disappeared from the official store as well as from the Classics bundle that was available from Plugin Boutique.
So now is probably a good time to do some spring cleaning in your portfolio. I never advocate wholesale changes, but maybe trim some shrubs. In the unlikely event that you have any weeds in your portfolio, rip them out. Winter is always right around the corner in financial markets. The best time to prepare for it is when the sun is shining bright. 2ff7e9595c