Although 73 percent of the eligible electorate have registered forthese elections, TSE president Mario Guerra Roldan predicts a 45percent abstention rate. "The voters distrust political leaders," saysCivil Registry director Felix Castillo Milla. "When they win powerthey forget their promises and some are involved in illicitenrichment." The public impression of the crooked politician isreinforced by recent high profile scandals of parties registeringcandidates under investigation for crimes ranging from embezzlement tomass murder.
myrna castillo scandal
PAN's relatively scandal free nine years at the head of the GuatemalaCity municipal council has earned the party the reputation of beingable to get things done with a minimum of corruption. Massiveinfusions of cash from unknown sources have enabled PAN to inundate thestreets and airwaves with party slogans and jingles winning theircandidate a level of name recognition the separates him from the sea ofother candidates. 2ff7e9595c